Virtual reality sports training
I teamed up with 4 people to compete in the San Francisco Virtual Reality Hackathon 2016. Over a weekend, we built an experience to simulate the experience of entering a virtual locker room, seeing a motivational video, and then choosing between a variety of training exercises led by top performers. Our primary motivation was to give the user an experience of what a VR sports training simulator might feel like. What would it feel like to be in the locker room of your favorite team learning embodied training drills from top athletes.
I was the main VR developer on this project on a team with a professional athelete, a designer and a 360 film producer.
We used the Leap Motion and the Oculus Rift to protoype a demo of using your hands to catch a football in VR. We used the A-Frame library to prototype the locker room experience.
We won first place in the Health/Medical category.